

Tips on how to make money, save money and invest it. Discover the best investment strategy for creating wealth and making your money work for you

Introduction to the TAX-FREE World of ISAs

Introduction to the TAX-FREE World of ISAs

Author Petr; Last Update 2018-07-12; Tag: isa

ISAs are Individual Savings Accounts with instant access to your money (certain types of Cash ISA) designed to help you reach your savings goal with low risk.

What is peer-to-peer lending?

What is peer-to-peer lending?

Author Petr; Last Update 2018-01-21; Tag: p2p, 101

Peer-to-peer lending is one of the fastest growing markets in the UK. The idea of P2P lending is based on lending money between individuals or to small businesses without the use a bank.

What is Expected value?

What is Expected value?

Author Petr; Last Update 2017-10-12; Tag: Expected value, binary option, gambling

Expected value should helps investors determine what level of risk to take with each action and choose the most optimal scenario

True or false - the pros and cons of binary options

True or false - the pros and cons of binary options

Author Petr; Last Update 2017-08-24; Tag: binary options

It’s hard to find reliable, objective details on the pros and cons of binary options on the internet as many of the sites praising this type of trading have a vested interest. We take an objective look at the good and bad of binary options.

The real performance of Vltava Fund SICAV

The real performance of Vltava Fund SICAV

Author Petr; Last Update 2016-09-05; Tag:

In 2009 the Vltava Fund was listed as the world’s most successful hedge fund. But it’s important to always check if the hype matches the performance. We look at the figures behind an impressive claim.

The Economist: You are what you read

The Economist: You are what you read

Author Petr; Last Update 2016-08-18; Tag: review, economist, discount

A quite simply the best source of news, opinion, data, and business and finance insight out there. Find out why you should read it and how you can pick up 12 issues of the Economist for just $12.

Learn to Invest by Daniel Gladis

Learn to Invest by Daniel Gladis

Author Petr; Last Update 2016-06-18; Tag: gladis, book, review

Learn to Invest by Daniel Gladis will teach you to distinguish between investments and speculations, understand risk, estimate the intrinsic value of shares and reveal six screening criteria for identifying the right shares for you.

What’s the value of a business card today?

What’s the value of a business card today?

Author Evelyn; Last Update 2015-02-03; Tag: bc, organization

Simple tactic to make the most of your collected business cards. Convert your business cards to a treasure that will serve you as a key to success in dealing with people.

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